Inuyasha in the future
Chapter 1:
None of this would have happened if it hadn’t been for the contest. They
never would have met if they hadn’t been competing for that thong. It would have been better if none of them had ever
heard of the contest. Before they met each other they led normal, happy, healthy lives.
But God is one sick
twisted bastard, so they DID meet because of the contest. He SCREWED their lives. Why? Cuz he’s God, he invented Vodka,
decided to taste it, got drunk and decided he needed some entertainment.
His idea of entertainment?
First of all, you should know that he is not only sick and twisted he’s horney. And you have to give him credit, he
has a good reason to. Think about it, he’s sitting up on some cloud(which is possibly made of smoke from everyones pot)
and hes sniffing that cloud and thinking. Thinking leads to ideas, which leads to trying them out, which is NEVER good. He’s
lonely and hasn’t gotten laid in about a millennium, so he invents something to entertain him. What is it? The biggest,
most popular strip club in all of futuristic Tokyo, The Strip Club of The 69 Souls.
In a smoky
room in the 69 Souls Club, five men sat around a dark table, drinking shooters and puffing cigars.
is doing great boys!” One particularly smelly man boomed, ”But the bad news is we’re barely getting business
from out of town. We need something, ANYTHING to bring some outsiders in.”
that mean we have to think?” A really scrawny anorexic man named Felicia piped up. “ That’s WAY 2 hard for
me!” With that he got up and left, tripping on an invisible object and floated off into space.( Don’t ask me HOW
he floated into space since they we’re in a ROOM and most rooms have CEILINGS, but it’s our stoy and we can do
what we want so fuck u.. we got AUTHOR POWER!!!)
“Anyone else opposed to thinking?” The smelly man, who was possibly named Brian asked.
The other 3 men shook their heads frantically, looking extremely nervous. Anime sweat drops down one of the guys heads(This
is after all an ANIME story..), afraid that Brian might move closer to him, causing him to suffacate under that large amounts
of cologne he was wearing. They all looked as thought they would rather be anywhere but there.
“Good! Cause none of you have to think. Hold your breathes, I’m about to say something that might sound
intelligent.” Brian announced
“We already were…” One man whispered…” I’m as surprised as everyone else that he’s
actually smart enough to speak!”
“We’re going to hold a contest men! Now gather around as I explain. Be warned! I may sound intelligent!”
INUYASHA!” screamed Kikyo. “This is just SOOOOOOO great! More! More!
More! Oh My God! Faster! Faster! It starting to come out!!!”
Inuyasha smiled as Kikyo yelled in pleasure. Abrutly her cries stopped.
“Why’d you stop?” She
glared at him angrily.
"The needle ran out, I have to refill it." Inuyasha calmly explained, trying to look sweet. Reaching
for more heroin to refill the needle with , he stole a glance at Kikyo, noticing not for the first time just how HOT she was.
God, why couldn't he EVER stop staring at her? It's amazing she didn't notice his eyes tracing her fine figure.
But, the Dog Demon thought, it was, after all a small wonder when one really thought about it, as she
was really dumb for a priestess. Kikyo was a wonder of nature to Inuyasha, not just because she was one hot fox to him, but
because she really was powerful. He had to watch out, with all that power her PMS made normal girls mood swings look like
NOTHING, and Kikyo wasn't one to fuck around with(much as the Half Demon would have liked to, if you get my meaning)
"What are you looking at, Inuyasha?" The priestess purred "You're taking WAY to long getting that heroin."
She streched out, resting her head on his shoulder, looking up at him lovingly, her eyelashs fluttering like a flirting schoolgirls.
"Kikyo.... your a priestess right? So you can be patient for,like, 5 minutes while I run out and get
more right? I mean, you can't get high on air, right?" The Hanyou tried nervously to explain he'd run out and needed to get
more from his stash.
"What?...." A look of bewilderment crossed Kikyo's face. It was going to take her awhile to figure
out what he had just said.
Inuyasha, prepared for the long wait that came whenever someone said something intelligent around her,
settled back to wait till his words finally sank in.
****half an hour later****
"OH MY GOD! I GET IT NOW!" Kikyo exclaimed. " You need to get more heroin right? Aren't you proud of
me? It only took half an hour this time! It normally takes so much longer...."
Inuyasha got up, rubbed his bloodshot eyes(result of the hard partying he was always doing) and left
Kikyo in the clearing, still blabbering on about her own personal genious.
Things were just so normal and repetitive here, Inuyasha thought as he stumbled to his stash. Nothing different ever happened
to him. He always saw the same stoned people, tripped down the same routes, got drunk at the same places, even fought the
same boring effortless battles. The last one he thought as he easily whipped the ass of a full demon monster that was standing
in his way, an amazing feat because he's always only been a lesser drunk-to-the-point-of-falling-down half dog demon.(Authors
note:I HAD 2 add this little fact becuase it astounds me everytime i watch Inuyasha..)
After kicking this particular demons ass, the Hanyou continued walking, taking in everything around him. Yep, just as he
thought, absolutly normal, nope, nothing out of the ordin-waaait a sec, Inuyasha paused, doing a double-take.
Sobbing in a clearing not 3 meters from were he stood, a shapely girl in a tight black and pink catsuit type piece of clothing(A/N
thats the ONLY words I can find to describe it... sorry). Her black hair hung loosely in front of her bowed head. One hand
supporting her, the other hung loosely by her, clutching a knife, she slowly eased back so she was leaning upright by a large
yellowish boomarang propped agianst the tree beside her. Her hair now out of her face, she was revealed to have sizely(A/N
is 'sizely' even a word????*Looks it up at*nope.. but it IS now... OK?) brown eyes, sparkling with her tears.
Shivering, the girl raised her head higher, so her long elagant neck was fully exposed. She began raising the knife to her
throat, but stopped when a female sauntered out of the trees, wearing nothing but a microscopic green two-piece and a cardboard
sign hanging from her neck, its face pointing out on her back ( A/N for those of you who don't get my confused description,
the sign was hanging so it was on her back.. so her assests were still visible if you get my meaning...)
"Um.. Sango, hunny? I really hate to break it to you, but thats a BUTTER knife. You're not even gonna cut bread with that,
let alone slit your throat. Here, try this" The girl tossed a butchers knife at the suicidal broad and continued on her way,
which meant she was coming towards Inuyasha.
Instantly he recognised the smell coming from her. It was missing something, but it was definatly the same smell. But there
was no way this girl could be her. First of, thought the Hanyou, she would NEVER wear that green bikini, hello.. FASION POLICE!
But still, that had to be her. There couldn't be two of her, could there be? No, that was impossible. Quickly as he figured
out there had to be some kind of connection between this stranger and the woman he knew, he was distracted by the sign swinging
off her back.
It was only then that he realised his thought processes had taken longer then a normal persons and the mysterious, sign-totting
girl was wiggling her butt a long ways in front of him. While he had been struggling to figure out something that required
intelligence, which he was greatly lacking in, the broad had made her way past him. With the slight feeling of one about to
be crushed by an advil(I.E-- impending doom) he began tailing her, not knowing he was about to start on the mot worthless
adventure of is life.
Chapter 2
"SHIT" A tall monk clothed in purple robes muttered as he fell on his face. "What the..." He stood up, brushing himself
off. Looking around, he quickly found the cause of his less then elegant trip to the ground. A ratted,wet cardboard box lay
totalled at his feet. Now what would THAT be doing in the middle of these woods, he mused. He didn't have to wait long for
an answer to come to him, infact, it litterally bite him in the ass.
"What the fuck did you do that for, lard ass? That was my fuckin' house!" A runty pathetic fox-boy dressed in tattered
pants topped by and even worsely(again.. is 'worsely' a word?) mangled shirt and jacket hung stood, glaring at the monk evilly.
"You better pay for that!wait a second! Oh SHIT! forget what I said, hide me!" The kitsune became scared without warning and
hopped up on the monk's shoulder, shivering violently.
He couldn't stop laughing. "Ok, listen, I don't know your name or anything, but your the biggest pussy I've ever met! That
a little kitty! What's so scary about that?"
"It's- it's....."The Kitsune gave a violent shudder" It's KIRARA!" Just saying that cat's name made him scream like a little
girl, it was actully quiet sad, and the Monk, felt rather sorry for the wussy fox-boy on his shoulder.
Like it so far? I'll continue writing it more later, this is a REALLY hard story to write, the words
just arnt flowing right now, which is why I didnt add much today. MAybe later, well, love ya's bye!